Go grizzly cub spotting at British Columbia's Knight Inlet Lodge

Meet one of Canada’s most gorgeous animals – the grizzly cub.
Nestled within the longest fjord on the coast of British Columbia (BC), Knight Inlet is secluded, tranquil and absolutely tailor-made for encountering wildlife in their natural surrounds.
Hidden deep inside the protected waters of Glendale Cove, the floating resort of Knight Inlet Lodge promises access to one of the highest concentrations of grizzlies in all of BC – especially during autumn when salmon are spawning and easily 40 to 50 of the giant, graceful beasts can be found within a 10-kilometre radius.
Then there’s springtime, when the cubs come out to play. To spot a grizzly in the wild is utterly breathtaking, a memory to be treasured.
But to get up close to a family of newborn cubs, tentatively emerging from hibernation to explore their surrounds with their watchful mother close by, is something else entirely.
Play fighting, congregating to feed on berries, learning to swim . . . it must be seen to be believed.
Knight Inlet Lodge (grizzlytours.com) offers everything from bear viewing to orca spotting, kayaking, rainforest walks and more. Check out African Wildlife and Natural Focus Safaris Knight Inlet Lodge package.
The Lodge is in Glendale Cove, 80 kilometres north of Campbell River, BC.
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