89. Krusevo, Macedonia

The dramatic forests of Krusevo, Macedonia.
Krusevo is a traditional town set in a picturesque backdrop of pine forests, it’s perfect for those seeking winter related sports in a quieter setting, number 89 on our list of 100 Secret Gems You Need To Know About.
Where on Earth is it?
In western Macedonia on the slopes of the Busheva Mountains.
Why you need to know about it
The pretty terracotta-roofed town of Krusevo dates back to the 15th century and was the centre of a famous uprising against the Ottoman Empire, resulting in the creation of the first Republic of the Balkans (Krusevo Republic) in 1903.
Tucked away for most of the 21st century, today the population of less than 6000 live among lovely 19th-century architecture typical of the region (wood and stone with blue highlights) and are hardly bothered by tourists; those who venture here can enjoy small-scale skiing in winter and the unaffected way of life that exists year round.